"Fortune favors the bold but abandons the timid."

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Prop bet fish!!!

Well I'm doing what I said I wouldn't do again which is another prop bet. In the past I've done them for most hands and for trying to win $X in a month. Both times I started off on a downswing and lost all motivation to keep trying. This time there is really no time limit set which helps a lot because I'll never feel forced to play. I still want to get it knocked out before June 1 when I go to Vegas for 2 months. The bet is with philipsaurus from 2p2 and it's who has the highest ptbb/100 at 2/4 after 100k hands. I'm pretty confident I can do 5ptbb/100 even if I run a bit below avg. If I run good however I think I could put up something like 6-7, maybe even higher depending on how good I run and how long it lasts. The bet isn't for much and is more of just a friendly wager, his 2k vs my 1.6k. I feel like I have an edge even at even money so w/ odds I like my bet. He's definitely a very good player though and very capable of beating me. That's what makes it more fun and motivating though.

Just got back into town and over being sick. So far so good though for the few hands I've played. I guess I'll post my results here once a week or so w/ updated progress.

Hands: 1012
$$$$$: 2906.65
ptbb/100: 35.90

I hope to get in about 7k more hands by Sunday night and keep running well too 1 time.

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