"Fortune favors the bold but abandons the timid."

Friday, March 7, 2008

Robusto March!

I've put in almost 9k hands so far which is decent considering I didn't play at all on the 1st or 2nd of the month. I am definitely running pretty good and can't complain like I was in February when even the baby Jesus was mad at me. I feel like I am playing a ton better due to getting lessons regularly from Greg as well as running a lot better. My confidence is at an all time high right now and all I want to do is play a lot of hands/get a ton of lessons/do sweats sessions this month to really continue to improve my game.

I hope to grind a lot and March and hopefully keep up the pace to have my best month ever but I am predicting a slight drop in the hands played this month due to my gf coming back for spring break 1 week, my brother coming back the next week, along with some of my buddies who will also be back in town. I'm guessing I will mainly try and work the night crew and put in hands that way....hopefully.

I'm headed to Buffalo in about 45 mins to visit my gf for the weekend. I'm not too thrilled about the drive since it isn't snowing here yet and she said it is coming down very hard there, which is going to make for a long and dangerous drive knowing Rochester/Buffalo weather. gamb00l! I'lll be back Sunday afternoon and can hopefully fit into Greg's schedule to get another lesson and grind for the rest of that evening/night.

Here's my results for the first week of March:

Good luck and stay classy.

1 comment:

UMD Tennis said...

damn man good start to the month. just wanted to say that your vpip/pfr in that pic are almost identical to what mine have been for the past month so it was reassuring to see.