"Fortune favors the bold but abandons the timid."

Thursday, April 24, 2008

monthly update

The 4 of us basically suck at updating this blog so I'm gonna give the rainmakers a courtesey post right now. Poker has not been too much of my friend this week, I'm running pretty bad and most of the awfulness happens at 10/20 unfortunately. I now have mediocre results for the month so far but hopefully I can scrape something out within the next week.

Today I have to go get the snow tires off of my car, get it inspected, and then head to the golf course to meet up with my Dad and some of my league members. I ended up joining a golf league for the first time this year at a pretty decent course with a ballin bar. I'll try and post scores/improvements ect/ throughout the summer since I plan on doing a ton of golfing. I used to play on my HS team and was one of the top guys but really haven't practiced much since except for the occasional booze + play. Tonight plans to be no exception to that considering the course's bar and the fact that I've gone out a total of 1 time this year so far. Here's to scrambling!

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