"Fortune favors the bold but abandons the timid."

Friday, February 8, 2008

2008, you suck...for now

Sucks my first post is kind of negative but just on one of those runs right now. 2008 hasn't really gone like I planned so far but poker is like that all the time so whatever. I'm pretty much always the laziest poker play I know but I think getting some rivalry going amongst each other and trying to outdo one another will help w/ that some. When I see other people post sick graphs w/ tons of hands it motivates me even if only for a short period of time. So the plan is to try an log 40k hands this month and I've only done about 6k so far. Gonna hit it hard this weekend though.

On a more positive note though, I am really pumped to get a group of players together that I respect and that I can learn from. Even though I have always been a lazy player I have still focused very hard on improving and have spent tons of time in the forums and thinking about poker in general. I'm excited about getting some group sweats going and learning from one another. I can teach you guys how to make hero calls and you can teach me how to make less of them...hehe. I'm hoping through the sweat session that you guys can help me plug any leaks I have right now. I am pretty good about spotting them I think but I'm sure there are some things I do that I may not even realize. I was talking to UMD on AIM yesterday or the day before and once we got talking I started realizing a few kind of big mistakes I had been making. Just things that when I thought about how they were never working I determined, if it never works for me as a bluff then I'm going to only start doing it for value from now on until people realize it's always for value, then I can add bluffs.

Here is my shitty year so far(Guess it only posts photos at the top, oh well). Could be worse I guess but I played really well through most of this. Towards the end my play started coming apart a bit but I am completely aware of this and will be focusing really hard on playing my A game. Not a lot of hands I know. Gonna change that this weekend by getting in 8k hands between right now and Sunday before I go to sleep.

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