"Fortune favors the bold but abandons the timid."

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Alright so I almost feel bad continuing to post results because Ive been running so hot and Ive been talking with some people who have just run terrible this month, but I wanted to make a post tonight and I guess Ill include some more poker stuff so when the inevitable doomswitch hits I can look back on this month and feel better about it.

So last night was playing and doing well went up about 5k then was at about 3k and decided to call it a night and was gonna sweat for a little. Then something weird happened w my internet so went and got food then watched the wire (just finished 2nd to last episode of series man that show is sick good and am bummed this is the last season). After that decided to just play a little bit more before going to bed and turned a 3k win into 6k loss for the day so wasnt too happy w myself for even deciding to play because the games at 5/10 were terrible at this point in the night and I was 6 tabling against pretty much all regs, which is something just a week ago I couldnt understand when I looked at some of the 5/10 tables and saw all regs playing each other because I knew there was easier money from fish at 2/4 and 3/6. Man 5/10 is a rush! Addicting too in that sense I guess. I was running real bad (which I was more than overdue to do so cant complain) and wasnt playing well either but uckily I cut my losses.

My good friend bill came over tonight and we went to dinner at an italian place nearby that was very good. we hadnt thought anything of it, though, until we were sitting down at a table in a corner of this dimly lit nice italian restaurant w like a candle on the table just the two of us and actually contemplated leaving because of how we were sure it must have looked. To make it worse not only did we stay but we ended up asking the waiter if we could share one of the salads as an appetizer, good thing we dont care about how we look i guess.

AFter that was chillin on the computer undecided if I wanted to put in a session tonight or not because I was still a little upset about giving back the win last night but haupt motivated me by saying he was gonna put in a robusto session. that got me thinking positive so i opened a few tables started off hot right away and finished up w my new best day. so guess i owe haupt somethin for this.

On another note my bros bball team (carnegie mellen ftw) have big game on saturday against U. of Rochester. I feel a big win comin led by Geoff "his shits legit" Kozak.

Heres last nights graph:

Also wanted to hear peoples thoughts on this scenario:
"Heres the deal. You get two million dollars tax free deposited into your bank account right now, in return the only music you can listen to for the next 5 years is Creed or Nickleback. If your in public around other people listening to different music you will only hear Creed or Nickleback. If your watching a movie or tv and a song is playing, you'll here Creed or Nickleback. If your friend is singing a tune, it will sound like Creed or Nickleback to you.

Do you do it?"

At first I thought it was a tough choice but I wouldn't take it. After thinking about it more its an easy choice and I definately wouldn't take it. I love music sooo much and not being able to listen to all the stuff that I like in addition to having to hear nickelback all the time would irreaparably harm me for life. Not worth $2mill to me. I wouldnt even do it for 2 years. Such a long time. Maybe I would take $10 mil for 2 years. Anyway I found it interesting because this was posted at twoplustwo and so many people were saying they would take it in a heartbeat. I don't know what they're thinking.

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