"Fortune favors the bold but abandons the timid."

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Love February

Continue to run super hot and had my biggest winning day by far yesterday. Not gonna lie definately sucked out a few times, but I still think I played even those hands pretty well just a matter of running QQ into AA in 3bet pot and hitting Q on river lol. That being said I ran pretty bad at 3/6 (set under set, full house to quads, KK< AA). But Id rather run well at 5/10 and bad at 3/6 than the opposite. Didnt play that many interesting hands but here are a couple.


first orbit at table and had never played with guy before, but apparently 5/10 reg obviously i dont like his play here.

This was a line AE told me works great against fish in our lesson last night. After he just called flop there I was betting turn for value and check-snapcalling river when draws missed. Didn't put him on 66 tho (which makes no sense because that means the hand hes putting me on flop and turn is a king and then he bets the king when it comes even though he has some showdown value). Anyway pulled this same line twice more later on to great results.


Note to self: don't try cold 4betting 20buck. Even tho his 3betting range is so wide doesnt mean hes goin anywhere.

Don't know if I like my play here. Guy was pretty donkish so ordinarily I would like a 3bet or fold on flop but I thought his range was anywhere from A8 to even AA (you never know, and don't think hed raise a set yet hes a donk). So while I could still be ahead if I throw a 3bet in here I think Im folding out the A8-TT and air hands and only getting it in against a better hand. When he chks behind turn im pretty confident he has an 8 but could still have 99-TT so river is obvioulsy not a good card and I bet small planning to fold or squeaking out some value from a hand i have beat.

Placed the order for the aeron chair today so im pretty pumped about that. Figure its worth it to spend the money on a real good chair so i dont mess up my back. Also committed to vegas for a month this summer so im really looking forward to that now. Were gonna have a totally balla house and everybody in its a very good player so definatley gonna get a lot better at poker there. Anyway hope things continue to go well I might start grindin 2/4 again for a couple days because Im so due to start running bad at 5/10. Not looking forward to the inevitable downswing there but we'll see what happens. Alright heres my graph for yesterday. Oh yea link to vegas house I think were getting: http://www.vacationsvegas.net/?action=detaliu&vid=25

1 comment:

JGHOLLA said...

Hey im a friend of ben stirts who plays on pokerstars. my sn on there is jgholla and I am a sng specialist. I could use some coaching on how to get over the top with my game and would liketo know if youd take on a protege. I need to learn to play cash game better and it will help my mtt and sng too. onephattrackstar is my aol sn if u are willing