"Fortune favors the bold but abandons the timid."

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Almost a Winning Day

Almost had my first decent winning day in what seems like forever today but managed to lose it all back and a bit more in my night session. I don't think I played too poorly but ran into a lot of coolers/missed a lot of combo draws. I drank a Rockstar and planned on grinding for most of the night but unfortunately hit my stop loss and chose to stop. I was a bit tilty at the end as well but didn't spew at all because of it.

Here's a few hands from the night session, all from 3/6 - 5/10:

The PFR was something along the lines of 57/22 so I 3bet PF here. I think the turn is a good spot for a semi-bluff after the flop gets checked through and the river appeared to be the nuts for me.

Nomed is pretty crazy postflop but I'm pretty sure he's never bluffing here. I was going to take the line of calling the flop, calling the turn, and raising the river in this hand to mix it up and also because I think he likes to continue firing a lot when shown weakness. He should know I'm not going to have a huge hand here a lot of the time and may also think I was floating him on the flop.

Villain here is pretty fishy and plays 42/17. The river is very bad for me since it completes the straight, BDFD, and also puts QJ ahead of me. But I still think the river is a value bet, albeit thin, since he is a pretty big calling station and will definitely look me up with at least any jack here and possibly less.

This one I'm not sure if I like or not. It's against the same fishy opponent as the hand above. I have seen him make large pot-sized bets postflop as a bluff before but I'm not sure he gets too out of line squeezing. With that being said, this flop and turn are like the nuts for my hand so it's tough to get away from my hand against this opponent. This may be borderline spew though given that I didn't have a huge read on his squeezing/cbet range.

Villain in this hand was very fishy but I haven't played too much on him. He seemed overly loose and that's about all I knew.

I chose to flat PF here even though the isoer has a very wide range when isolating the fishy limper. I had been leaning on him a lot on a few of our tables and didn't want to get 4bet here since he hadn't played back at all yet. When Josh squeezes, his range is very wide and I think AQs is ahead of it.

This is one of the last hands I had played. I had been opening a bit at the table but really didn't get too involved with Josh the entire session, besides the AQs hand. I thought a flop c/r would be good to mix it up since I think he fires with almost his entire range and it looks like I am giving up with an AK/AQ type hand. I really don't like his PF call 100BBs deep...

I'm not sure what to do at this point since this DS is mentally draining me and causing me to not play as many hands as a normal month since I keep hitting stop losses/getting frustrated and taking breaks. I think I'm down about 8.5k this month so far but I'm definitely no stranger to putting a rally cap on for the tail end of a month. In January, I was down a few thousand on the 18th and managed to pull off ~+29k month. Let's hope I can find that cap for February.

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