"Fortune favors the bold but abandons the timid."

Friday, February 15, 2008

Swingy Session

After playing 1995 hands I was down 4k at one point but ended up +1450.
Early on I made some spewy plays and then lost some coin flips. I never went on bad enough tilt to make me stop playing. I did have to take a 5 minute break to cool down, but after that I was fine. If I didn't think the tables were juicy enough to keep playing I def would have ended the session, but I kept playing and won some big pots. I remember Leatherass saying he plays so many hands and tilts very rarely. He plays through the bad downswings so he can get those hands over with.

Here is the MacDaddy flop and luckily my hand held up. I was a 55/45 dog. http://www.pokerhand.org/?2107671

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