"Fortune favors the bold but abandons the timid."

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Best week ever

Had another good session to cap my best week ever. Split up of hands is probably 65, 25, 10% 2/4, 3/6, 5/10.I've definately been running very hot, but i also have stopped giving away stacks. I have a little spewmonster in me that I've kept hidden recently, and I think a large part of that is because of talking with the rainmakers and our sweat sessions, as well as the sweat sessions Ive had with fees before this.
Had first lesson with aejones tonight and it was great. Hes definately gonna help me patch up the leaks in my game as I look to start playing primarily 3/6 and a little 5/10. The lesson went for an hr and 40 min tonight too and he only charged me for an hr which is awesome of him. Hopefully I keep running well and Im already looking forward to our next sweat session because definately took away alot from our last.

p.s. probably gonna fail first test of semester tomorrow because instead of studying tonight did the lesson which turned into me continuing to play after. hopefully i can bs my way through it.

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