"Fortune favors the bold but abandons the timid."

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


This month has been pretty piss poor so far. I think I've played ~18k hands and am down ~$5k. The fact that I played in the 10/20 NL cap game, ran like absolute garbage, and ended down a little over $6k on the first of the month didn't really help but since then my play has been sub-optimal. Besides not playing my A game all that often, the times that I do I feel like I am definitely on the ass end of coolers/suckouts more so than I am on the better end. But 18k hands isn't really all that many so I am expecting a boom switch sometime soon.

I have been looking to get coaching recently and decided on going with MYNAMEIZGREG, who plays mainly 10/20 and is a co-owner of Leggo Poker. I talked with him a bit on AIM and he seems pretty legit and I also watched one of his sample vids on Leggo (since I don't have a membership there yet). I decided to go with one of his package deals of 10 lessons for $3500. Although this seems like a lot of money, especially for my first time getting coaching, it's really only 3.5 BIs at 5/10 and I think his coaching will propel me to win much more than that in the long run. I start tomorrow so I will post on how things went and hopefully get some new tricks/confidence in my game and, more importantly, plug some leaks.

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