"Fortune favors the bold but abandons the timid."

Friday, February 8, 2008

Quick Session

Wanted to get in a quick session before going out tonight or whatever, so played for about an hr. Think I played very well and started with 4 tables and gradually added more, think that made a big difference and Im happy about that. Here are 2 hands:


Apparently I run well here, didnt think I could get away from kings here against random donk playing 60/12 here because he could definately have AK or something.

Heres a hand Im very happy about how I played:

When he raised flop his range is any overpair/set/random air. If I come back over top here Im almost never getting my money in as a favorite here unless maybe he has TT/JJ (but against this player Im not even convince hes ever raising TT/JJ on the flop. I think his range is actually more likely set/air here so I elect to call and evaluate on turn, and I might have even check-folded turn if I hadnt hit gin and he fired big again because most guys will give up after I call the flop raise. So when he checks behind turn I think hes basically given up on the hand and almost certainly doesn't have a set. On river I'm not going to be getting any value with a closer to pot-sized bet because I think he most likely just raised the flop with air and is done with the hand. If he does have a set and played it this way the moneys getting in either way. So I tried to make my bet look like a blocking bet w a TT/JJ type of hand that I still have plenty of room to fold if he shoves on. He tanked down for a while before shoving.

Just picked up a case of Labatt Blue and about to start pongin it up. Love weekends.

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