"Fortune favors the bold but abandons the timid."

Friday, February 8, 2008

Where Greatness Begins

Like everyone else has stated I am also very excited about this group. I have always been meaning to seek out other regular players, so I'm glad we got this goin. I have been in contact with Haupt since the fall and I'm looking forward to discuss hands/strategy with luck and UMD.

Lately poker has been going very well for me. I had a great January and I've got off to a good start this February with the low volume I've put in. I hope to grind out 50k-60k hands a month. I'm mainly going to play 3/6nl still but really try to pick the best games from 2/4 through 5-10. I was at the Super Bowl over the weekend, and being a Pats fan I needed to take a few days off before I started to play again.

The weekly sweat sessions are going to be great. I hope to provide some good insight and also learn a lot from you guys as well.

Here is my graph so far through February.
-5.5k at 5/10
+11.2k at 3/6
-400 at 2/4

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