"Fortune favors the bold but abandons the timid."

Friday, March 14, 2008

March Week 2

We are about halfway through March and I'm still running pretty well. I've been keeping up with watching some mid-higher stakes vids, lessons with Greg, and discussing certain hands and situations with my fellow rain makers. I'm slacking a bit as far as the number of hands played goes but I feel like I really am getting quality over quantity for the month and have been practicing pretty good table selection. I am not one of those regulars who will sit with 4 other regulars and a SS at a 5/10 table, which I see a lot of people doing. I know a decent 3/6 game or even a 2/4 game will be much more profitable and not as much of a 'grind'.

As far as real life plans, my birthday is this Sunday. I don't plan on doing much at all for it but plan on going out to dinner Saturday night with some drinks afterwards at it's bar. I've been to so many bars from living about a 30 second walk from a main strip at college to being in a fraternity to visiting my gf at college in Buffalo that I really am just bored of the entire bar scene. I would much rather go to a chiller place and drink, play some photo hunt obv., and just shoot the shit nowadays.

Good luck and keep making it rain.