"Fortune favors the bold but abandons the timid."

Monday, March 24, 2008


dropped 9k today. 3k at 25/50, 3k at 5/10 and 1500 at 3/6 and 10/20. lets just say 25/50 is nuts!!

Here's a standard 10k coinflip that i lost:

Don't fire 3 barrels into the nuts:

Heres an example of what I always do when playing higher than usual. It happened when i moved up to 2/4 and 5/10 at first as well, I tend to outlevel myself into spewing chips. Here I was about to fold the turn then figured it was a good spot for him to double barrel so I called then on river since I had tanked before calling turn and my hand looks weak/like a missed draw and since in the other hand when he 3barreled and i called him down he showed air i thought that hed think that id think hed be less likely to do it w air again so its actually a good spot to do it with air. lol.

at 5/10 i was just getting coolered/sucked out on left and right so i was actually happy to only lose 3k. at 10/20 i was doing alright before this hand:

oh well rough day i was due to run bad and run bad i did so guess it couldve been worse. if i had only won that 10k flip id actually be up 1k on the day. pokers crazy.

today drops me down to around +5k on the month in like 18k hands. i have not had any motivation to play lately and the only reason i even played at all today was bc there was a big fish sitting at 2 25/50 tables so i (w/ no regard to bankroll mgmt as usual) decided to sit wo even selling any action. hopefully i find some motivation to grind in the coming week and my new goal for the month is to grind back my losses from today playing 3/6 and 5/10 and finish around 15k for the month. im not gonna force myself to play tho bc that usually ends bad so we'll see what happens.

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