"Fortune favors the bold but abandons the timid."

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Best month yet :(

I had my best month right after my worst month in February. After rakeback, I ended up about $40k after 28k hands. I was generally very happy with my play, improved a ton through lessons and sweats, and also ran fairly well. I just wish I logged more hands but knew it would be a low output month hand-wise due to a lot of friends/my gf/brother coming home for SB. But I am excited for April and hope I can put in more hands than March and bang out another successful month.

I also had a 2 hour lesson with Greg tonight which I was very happy with. I didn't get into any groundbreaking spots but got in a few standardish spots where I learned some different lines. I am also noticing that I am making the optimal play (or at least the most optimal that Greg and I agree on) or at least thinking of making it during the lesson a lot more than I used to. In many non-standardish spots, many of the better lines to take come to me almost instantly. I still realize I have a ways to go but it is nice to look back to a month ago where I was pretty far off from what I am now.

I had a pretty funny chat with a huge fish at the table during the lesson. His name was rod9 and I was joking to Greg about how rod1-rod8 must have been taken...

Me: rod, I guess rod1-8 were already taken?
rod9: Yea, I'm getting great cards.
Me: It rained yesterday.

Here are a few hands from my lesson that were the most interesting:

In this hand, villain was pretty nitty, had a small PF 3betting range, and also had a small WTSD%. My c/r on the river is actually a bluff since I am never getting looked up by worse but villain is capable of folding AQ, which was her most likely holdings. Either that or possibly A5. My plan was to c/f the river but the Kd that peeled turned out to be a pretty great card to bluff, especially after she makes such a small river bet. This is a spot I would normally just dump but really like the play.

Villain here is a regular and we had a bit of history at the table. He is very aggro in LP and I have been attacking his LP raises a bit when in position. He also makes his raises so small where I know he will be calling my 3bets lighter since they will, in turn, be smaller. So I think the entire hand is just about standard with the river being the only close street but I believe a player of his intelligence is going to continue bluffing that river card most of the time since my hand looks so much like AK/AQ.

Good luck to everyone in April.

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