"Fortune favors the bold but abandons the timid."

Monday, April 7, 2008

10/20 is fcking rigged

***Skip down to next stars if you dont wanna hear any bitching








So frustrating, all these have taken place in the 2400 hands ive played at 10/20 since april 1st. There was plenty more like these in the hands i played at 10/20 last month. i hate complaining about running bad but im finding it almost humorous so thought id share. Yesterday i was up 13k at one pt but ended up dumping a few buyins back to a fish w combination of bad play and running bad and ended up 5k for the day. Today i started off down 2k early and grinded back to +2k then back down to -2k when the 888 hand happened costing me 4500 so i quit -6500 on the day. Couldve been a lot worse i guess all things considered. and i know the rivers probably a fold in that 888 hand but by that pt theres 8k in the pot i only have to call 1k more and i needed to see his KKK so i could sleep better just knowing 10/20 is rigged.

**** /end whining

Im up around 5k on the month now but was up around 19k at one pt yesterday. On a positive note im actually enjoying playing again and plan on logging a bunch of hands this month. 5/10 continues to go very well also, and ive found a decent amount of regs at 5/10 have some pretty exploitable leaks.

i wanna post my luck anaylsis graph here since the beginning of april bc im not quite sure how to interpret it. this is from the 9k hands ive played on my desktop, ive also played a bunch of hands on my laptop this month which i dont have. if anyone could tell me what this means thatd be great. and i dont think im running bad in terms of allin luck more just getting coolered or getting money in bad on river after i was ahead on flop and turn.

Big ncaa championship game tonight. Ive already won one $100 pool for 1k no matter what happens and if kansas wins tonight mac and i chop with gary stevenson for first in 2p2 $500 pool which is 4k for first (meaning ill get 1k). if memphis wins i win a $25 pool for like $325 and get $250 for 2nd in the 2p2 pool so kinda a win-win. im very happy with this obviously since i always do a pool and never win usually. im feeling great about that and also feeling great about my poker game, think im playing the best i ever have and takin a break for pretty much the past couple weeks has gotten me mentally fresh again. actually gotta run now but gonna post some interesting hands ive played against some good players as well as a trip report from pittsburgh/tartan town last weekend.

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