"Fortune favors the bold but abandons the timid."

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

april has been fun :)

April so far:

ive made like 2k on my laptop not in there but this downswing has not been too fun. think im gonna start grindin some 3/6 to try and get some confidence back. the sick part of this downswing is that its not even bad in terms of buyins. im down almost 15k at 25/50 this month (v stupid of me to play but was 2 big fish sitting and couldn't help myself). then a few buyins at 10/20 and a few at 5/10, adds up to 30 pretty quick.

here was a fun hand at 25/50:


i was gonna post some interesting hands ive had but dont really feel like looking through them at the moment. on the plus side im only down 10-11k on the month so if i can grind out 15-20k the rest of the month ill still have a decent month and feel much better about this downswing. thats the crazy part about poker.

headin to atlantic city this weekend, rented out a house w a bunch of my friends from college so that should be a good time. ill probably play some live poker, realize how much i hate it and how lucky i am to play online rather than live. i dont think there is anything less fun than live poker, unless youre just gettin drunk at the table and berating everyone. thats always fun.

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