"Fortune favors the bold but abandons the timid."

Thursday, April 10, 2008


I haven't been playing a ton lately minus the last 2 days since I have a bunch of family up/have been sick for most of April. I did end up playing 7k hands between Wednesday and Tuesday, though. I want to make sure I get in a bunch of hands this month and the next before the weather gets nice and things like golf, basketball, and anything outside start to consume my life.

Both my marathon sessions went pretty well, I stuck to mostly 5/10 with a bit of 3/6 and just a pinch of 10/20. I am winning a lot more pots without going to SD which I like and think is reflective of my improvement over the past few months.

I'm headed to Buffalo this weekend and am looking forward to it. I plan on going to a pretty nice sushi restaurant Friday night and then to go check out the movie 21. Saturday night will most likely consist of boozing heavily.

GL at the tables.

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