"Fortune favors the bold but abandons the timid."

Thursday, May 15, 2008

3/6 is my friend

this has been my past 3 days there. ive had a lot of fun playing it too bc ive been experimenting w/ a bunch of different lines and really trying to apply pressure on other regs regs. i feel more free to do it there bc losing a buyin doesn't hurt as much as opposed to 5/10 or 10/20. the regs also put up way less resistance at 3/6 so its easier to run them over. its also helping my game bc im thinking more about how i can play different hands and im trying to focus on exploiting the regs there. im already picking up on some things that i wasnt even really looking for as much before.

it feels really good to be almost all the way out of my downswing in 3 days playing at a lower level then where my downswing occurred. even though i already passed my goal of making 10k at 3/6 before moving back up to 5/10, i still think im gonna grind 3/6 for the rest of the month. im obviously running very well there so why mess with karma?!?! and the games just seem so much softer to me right now that i think my hourly will be higher at 3/6 then it will at 5/10. ill still be on the lookout for some big fish though, so if i see one sitting higher ill still play. on a side note, i seem to go through these huge up and downswings on a pretty consistent basis the past few months and im still trying to figure out if thats normal for the stakes im playing or if not what the hells going on with that.

also hit the driving range today and cant wait to get out on a course again bc i was hitting the ball surprisingly well. hu4rollz haupt?

p.s. next blog post i think im actually gonna use capital letters and proper grammar, so don't be nervous

1 comment:

luckhappens said...

damn john. teach me to do work at 3/6 like that. guess i just gotta log some real amount of hands there but that is basically the opposite of my 3/6 graph.