"Fortune favors the bold but abandons the timid."

Thursday, May 15, 2008

off to golf

I had a great lesson Tuesday, hit the range afterwards, and am pretty pumped to play in my league tonight. I hit a few balls in front of the instructor which went the usual high and slight right (fade) that I've been hitting all year. He basically just said ok, move this hand more here and this hand here to change my grip and I instantly started hitting the ball 2 clubs longer and slightly left(a draw, which is a much better and longer flight path). Funny how golf works.

I have been plugging in a few decent sessions at 5/10 and 3/6 over the past few days and am pretty happy about that. It has been awful swingy but I keep ending up on top for the day. I'm also pretty sure I made the TC vid and the sbrugby vid at 5/10 yesterday. I'll sign autographs later, I'm off to go stroke them. (the golf balls)


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