"Fortune favors the bold but abandons the timid."

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Back on the horse

so stuck with the plan today and grinded pretty much all 3/6 (5k hands) w/ a little 2/4 (125 hands). i made 8500 at 3/6 today which felt great, although i really wanted a 10k day there i ended up having to go to the bar for a little bit for a friends bday and didnt wanna play when i got back. i lost 350 at 2/4.

the games at 3/6 play so much easier than 5/10 imo, and i was obviously getting a lot better hands today. but i lost a few flips and had a bunch of flush draws hit against me and was still able to do well. the new deep buyin tables that allow you to buy in for 200bb's are so money bc even though i dont think im that good deepstacked yet some ppl just play like monkeys with deepstacks. deepstacks also allow for a lot more creativity than 100bb stacks so its fun taking different lines than usual. in my experience thus far it seems like no one wants to put in 200bb's w an overpair or top pair (understandable) but this can be very exploitable. since i am never getting paid off w sets/flushes/etc., i am playing a lot of random hands like i would sets and ppl just keep folding. its been great! everyones gonna adjust eventually but until then gonna keep applying pressure. its funny bc i noticed this even before the deepstack tables when i was 200bb deep w ppl they always seemed to play their hand so straightforward, w their only thought being i dont wanna lose 2 buyins here. especially in 3bet pots ppl seem to play very exploitably 200bb deep, and i dont even really know what im doing yet im just figuring it out a little better than some ppl i think. i definately am gonna take some deepstacked lessons from rbk.

thats it for now, hopefully things continue to go well at 3/6. ive decided no matter what happens im just gonna grind that for rest of the month so we'll see how it goes.

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