"Fortune favors the bold but abandons the timid."

Monday, March 24, 2008


dropped 9k today. 3k at 25/50, 3k at 5/10 and 1500 at 3/6 and 10/20. lets just say 25/50 is nuts!!

Here's a standard 10k coinflip that i lost:

Don't fire 3 barrels into the nuts:

Heres an example of what I always do when playing higher than usual. It happened when i moved up to 2/4 and 5/10 at first as well, I tend to outlevel myself into spewing chips. Here I was about to fold the turn then figured it was a good spot for him to double barrel so I called then on river since I had tanked before calling turn and my hand looks weak/like a missed draw and since in the other hand when he 3barreled and i called him down he showed air i thought that hed think that id think hed be less likely to do it w air again so its actually a good spot to do it with air. lol.

at 5/10 i was just getting coolered/sucked out on left and right so i was actually happy to only lose 3k. at 10/20 i was doing alright before this hand:

oh well rough day i was due to run bad and run bad i did so guess it couldve been worse. if i had only won that 10k flip id actually be up 1k on the day. pokers crazy.

today drops me down to around +5k on the month in like 18k hands. i have not had any motivation to play lately and the only reason i even played at all today was bc there was a big fish sitting at 2 25/50 tables so i (w/ no regard to bankroll mgmt as usual) decided to sit wo even selling any action. hopefully i find some motivation to grind in the coming week and my new goal for the month is to grind back my losses from today playing 3/6 and 5/10 and finish around 15k for the month. im not gonna force myself to play tho bc that usually ends bad so we'll see what happens.

Friday, March 14, 2008

March Week 2

We are about halfway through March and I'm still running pretty well. I've been keeping up with watching some mid-higher stakes vids, lessons with Greg, and discussing certain hands and situations with my fellow rain makers. I'm slacking a bit as far as the number of hands played goes but I feel like I really am getting quality over quantity for the month and have been practicing pretty good table selection. I am not one of those regulars who will sit with 4 other regulars and a SS at a 5/10 table, which I see a lot of people doing. I know a decent 3/6 game or even a 2/4 game will be much more profitable and not as much of a 'grind'.

As far as real life plans, my birthday is this Sunday. I don't plan on doing much at all for it but plan on going out to dinner Saturday night with some drinks afterwards at it's bar. I've been to so many bars from living about a 30 second walk from a main strip at college to being in a fraternity to visiting my gf at college in Buffalo that I really am just bored of the entire bar scene. I would much rather go to a chiller place and drink, play some photo hunt obv., and just shoot the shit nowadays.

Good luck and keep making it rain.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

macdaddy is a pimp

About 32 seconds in


Prop bet fish!!!

Well I'm doing what I said I wouldn't do again which is another prop bet. In the past I've done them for most hands and for trying to win $X in a month. Both times I started off on a downswing and lost all motivation to keep trying. This time there is really no time limit set which helps a lot because I'll never feel forced to play. I still want to get it knocked out before June 1 when I go to Vegas for 2 months. The bet is with philipsaurus from 2p2 and it's who has the highest ptbb/100 at 2/4 after 100k hands. I'm pretty confident I can do 5ptbb/100 even if I run a bit below avg. If I run good however I think I could put up something like 6-7, maybe even higher depending on how good I run and how long it lasts. The bet isn't for much and is more of just a friendly wager, his 2k vs my 1.6k. I feel like I have an edge even at even money so w/ odds I like my bet. He's definitely a very good player though and very capable of beating me. That's what makes it more fun and motivating though.

Just got back into town and over being sick. So far so good though for the few hands I've played. I guess I'll post my results here once a week or so w/ updated progress.

Hands: 1012
$$$$$: 2906.65
ptbb/100: 35.90

I hope to get in about 7k more hands by Sunday night and keep running well too 1 time.

Monday, March 10, 2008

dream car

found my dream car. gonna take me awhile but saw it in gas station down in miami and was so ridiculous, this pic doesnt even do it justice. the one i saw was all blacked out. the cars in miami are all just ridiculous, lets just say i stopped even looking at bentleys, aston martins, and maseratis bc i saw so many. and we saw this car pull up next to us and literally everyone started drooling. starts at a cool $194k, heres link to page http://www.mbusa.com/models/main.do?modelCode=S65

theres also vids of it destroying a lamborghini, not bad for a 4door

Friday, March 7, 2008

Robusto March!

I've put in almost 9k hands so far which is decent considering I didn't play at all on the 1st or 2nd of the month. I am definitely running pretty good and can't complain like I was in February when even the baby Jesus was mad at me. I feel like I am playing a ton better due to getting lessons regularly from Greg as well as running a lot better. My confidence is at an all time high right now and all I want to do is play a lot of hands/get a ton of lessons/do sweats sessions this month to really continue to improve my game.

I hope to grind a lot and March and hopefully keep up the pace to have my best month ever but I am predicting a slight drop in the hands played this month due to my gf coming back for spring break 1 week, my brother coming back the next week, along with some of my buddies who will also be back in town. I'm guessing I will mainly try and work the night crew and put in hands that way....hopefully.

I'm headed to Buffalo in about 45 mins to visit my gf for the weekend. I'm not too thrilled about the drive since it isn't snowing here yet and she said it is coming down very hard there, which is going to make for a long and dangerous drive knowing Rochester/Buffalo weather. gamb00l! I'lll be back Sunday afternoon and can hopefully fit into Greg's schedule to get another lesson and grind for the rest of that evening/night.

Here's my results for the first week of March:

Good luck and stay classy.

February Recap

So including $2800 in rakeback I made about 58k in february. My previous best month was about 30k in november but the past two months I had been struggling, with -8k in december and 8k in january. It felt great to have a real breakout month, especially considering before the month my goal was 20k and maybe giving myself a shot at cracking 30. I also played the most hands in a month Ive ever played, with over 60k hands (cant give exact number because im on laptop right now). So I didnt join the $1/hand club for a whole month but was at that mark a few times throughout the month. My goal now for the next few months is 30k/month. This might be a little high but I plan on playing mainly 5/10 w a little 3/6 and some shots at 10/20 when the games are soft. I took a few shots at 10/20 last month and so far this month and am about breakeven there. I had one real bad night that I think I already mentioned where I dropped 11k there so other than than Ive actually done pretty well. The weird thing about 10/20 in my little experience there has been that the games play much more passive preflop than 5/10 and probably even 2/4 just in terms of 3betting preflop. People seem to 3bet much less preflop in position but will just flat your open and make some moves after the flop. They also seem to give less resistance in defending their blinds, I think because it's so much tougher to play a 3bet pot oop. There are probably 2 other factors feeding these observations: 1)Im an unknown to most of the players there so they are probably trying to get a feel for how I play and not playing back at me as much and 2) Most of the times 10/20 runs it is running around a big fish and so most of the players at the table are more focused on playing hands in a way to stack the fish rather than fighting a high variance low ev battle w other regs that playing so aggressively preflop often turns into (and players at 2/4 were especially awful at realizing this in my experience, often isolating the fish out of pots to win 5 big blinds from a reg when they could take the fish's whole stack w a good flop. real smart). Its quite humorous at 10/20 though bc there will be these 5-6 person waiting lists for a table when a fish is playing then when the fish leaves everyone at the table sits out and the ppl from the waiting list start shuffling through the fish's seat until the table breaks.

Im in Miami now, have been since Sunday and leaving on sunday. Havent really played much poker because of that but put in a a +1500 session on monday and a +2500 one this morning so im pretty happy about that bc i only play like 2 tables on my laptop since it tilts me not playing on my desktop. Weathers been great too, and our hotels right on the the beach so ive been going in the ocean and having a relaxing week all around. Only been able to go out one night so far (Wet Willie's on south beach was pretty sweet) but hopefully am hitting up the hard rock hotel/casino tonight to get some gamble in. I hear they have some high stakes sitngoes so i might play one of the m because i heard the cash games are pretty stupid since theres $100 max buyin for 5/10.

Heading home sunday on a redeye which is gonna be brutal but guess i cant complain after a free trip. Katie's coming up next weekend because its her spring break next week so looking forward to that. Other than that just getting real excited for march madness, just got in a $100 pool w my older bro and his friends so should make it interesting. Just really hope the terps can pull off some wins at the end here to make it. My other team now, St. Joes, had a big win last night against #11 Xavier so that should help them (although its gonna hurt UMD). And in other news St. Margaret's/St Joes Prep Alum (represent) John Griffin hit 40 foot 3-pointer at buzzer to lift Bucknell over Navy in double OT. Shot was also #6 today on Sportscenter's Top 10. Thats how we do it baby.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


I was just battling with "jus a bookmaker". UMD pointed him out to me. Here are some hands I had with mr bookmaker


-I think I like how I played the flop. I can let him keep betting the turn if he has air in his range. Maybe a raise is better if I know hes not getting away from a flush draw or top pair.
-On the turn, I like a raise better now that I look at it. After watching him play more, his most likely holdings are top pair here and flush draws. And he's not getting away from either, so I shoulda just got it in to avoid any scared cards he could fold on river. But as we later find out, hes prob shoving any river here. Hes a menace.
-The river was obv an ugly spot. Hes never going to have a 4 here. So it was full house or busted draw. 3:1 odds on river. I don't think I can find a fold against this guy.

I'm a sicko winning this hand.
-On the flop I like calling even this deep. I will get away if flush hits on turn, but I think Jus a bookmaker is potting any turn because hes sick like that.
-On turn I called because at the time I wasn't sure if BigEasy was slowplaying trips with better kicker. As Mr. Townsend likes to say. "he was tricky trappy" And hes still not getting the right odds to call for a flush draw.
-River is obv a call, figured we were chopping. He just insta shoved that river, I don't understand. He has to put one of us on a queen.

He was the type of player that would make really bad value bets like that. I guess it widens his range. But you can still play your cards face up against him because he makes so many spewy plays.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

A very non MacDaddy River

Is the world coming to an end?


Sometimes I throw a pillow when I lose a sick pot like this. But I didn't even get mad this time because "THATS POKA"

Monday, March 3, 2008

A New Month

Haven't posted in a bit and just wanted to officially declare March "Robusto Month" after a pretty brutal Feb. I ended up making ~$10k the last few days to cut my losses to a very minimal amount for the month so I'm pretty happy with that. Since becoming pretty serious at poker, February goes down as both my worst monetary month and the month which I have learned and improved the most, as strange as that sounds.

I have high hopes for March and hope that with the combination of my new clown avatar (which is super intimidating), my dueness for the boom switch, and the continued lessons I've been getting from Greg will help me to play a lot better poker and even maybe make some money this month too :P.