"Fortune favors the bold but abandons the timid."

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


My sessions have been super swingy the past week or so and I pretty much haven't made any monetary progress. I was super frustrated a few nights ago when I was up about 6k from 3/6 and 5/10, took a shot at 25/50 with a huge fish and a bunch of SSers, and insta lost ~4k in back to back hands.

The first hand was 5 handed, I opened TT on the button to $150, the BB w/ $1200 behind calls, flop comes Jxxss, he checkraises I push the rest in and he shows JT- no dice on the 1 outter.

Very next hand, still 5 handed, I open AKo in the CO, a $2500 (50BB) stack 3bets to $550, the BB (50BBs behind as well) shoves, I tank for a bit and feel silly for even doing so with that much money already on the table, and shove myself. Button folds and BB shows AA, gg me and a decent night. I then ran AK into a squeezing KK a few orbits later at my 5/10 table for ~130BBs to seal the deal on the night. Meh, oh well.

This month hasn't gone exactly well but it isn't like my LOL February. I am going to end up with mediocre results which I am pretty unsatisfied with considering the way I came out of the April gate. Hopefully May will be a lot better, I am taking a lot more shots at 10/20 now so I expect it to be swingy and either really good or really bad. Gamb00l.

As far as golf goes, I haven't played since going out last week. I hit about 13 trees in 9 holes and ended up with a 45. Not exactly horrible, but not great at all. I should probably pick up a new driver since I'm still using my Dad's older 10.5 Cleveland Launcher. With how high I hit that, I am glad I am only hitting trees and not taking out any innocent planes.

My first league match is tomorrow evening playing best ball format. They have my handicap set at a 10 (I haven't had an established handicap in years) which should be fairly accurate so hopefully I hit a decent ball and destroy the hackers we are playing. I'll post a TR afterwards.


Thursday, April 24, 2008


This has been my month so far. Add in money ive won on my laptop and the 2k i shipped being a degenerate in atlantic city and im dead even on the month. im not too happy about that but whatever. i have shipped 2k in rakeback already since ive played so many hands trying to get back to even, so i guess it is a positive month after all. i feel like im a rakeback pro along the lines of moo and hov and its not a happy thought haha. honestly if this was poker every month theres no way id still be playing, i dont know how they put up w these swings and basically living off rakeback (or having a piece of friend who luckboxes a donkament). i still plan on making 10k this month plus rakeback tho and will take any prop bets on it.

I still owe a few trip reports and Im gonna put them up this weekend at some point, been slackin on the blog. We're also throwing a huge party on saturday. Getting 15 kegs, a pig roast, 2 live bands, a dj, and 2 ice luges. Should be a blast, it better not rain.

monthly update

The 4 of us basically suck at updating this blog so I'm gonna give the rainmakers a courtesey post right now. Poker has not been too much of my friend this week, I'm running pretty bad and most of the awfulness happens at 10/20 unfortunately. I now have mediocre results for the month so far but hopefully I can scrape something out within the next week.

Today I have to go get the snow tires off of my car, get it inspected, and then head to the golf course to meet up with my Dad and some of my league members. I ended up joining a golf league for the first time this year at a pretty decent course with a ballin bar. I'll try and post scores/improvements ect/ throughout the summer since I plan on doing a ton of golfing. I used to play on my HS team and was one of the top guys but really haven't practiced much since except for the occasional booze + play. Tonight plans to be no exception to that considering the course's bar and the fact that I've gone out a total of 1 time this year so far. Here's to scrambling!

Friday, April 11, 2008

small comeback

made another 1200 on my laptop too so im only down about 3k on the month now. im feeling very good about that. and i finally stacked ron fcking mexico! i didnt care if i went bust i was gonna stack him one time before i stopped playing 25/50. about to head to AC, planning on taking a shot at 25/50 and splitting the action if its running. i just took out 8k from the bank and im feeling pretty nervous just walking around with it, dont know what im gonna do with it when i get down there bc AC is so sketchy and i will not feel comftorable just having it on me. thats it, ill give a trip report after the weekend. gl

Thursday, April 10, 2008


I haven't been playing a ton lately minus the last 2 days since I have a bunch of family up/have been sick for most of April. I did end up playing 7k hands between Wednesday and Tuesday, though. I want to make sure I get in a bunch of hands this month and the next before the weather gets nice and things like golf, basketball, and anything outside start to consume my life.

Both my marathon sessions went pretty well, I stuck to mostly 5/10 with a bit of 3/6 and just a pinch of 10/20. I am winning a lot more pots without going to SD which I like and think is reflective of my improvement over the past few months.

I'm headed to Buffalo this weekend and am looking forward to it. I plan on going to a pretty nice sushi restaurant Friday night and then to go check out the movie 21. Saturday night will most likely consist of boozing heavily.

GL at the tables.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

april has been fun :)

April so far:

ive made like 2k on my laptop not in there but this downswing has not been too fun. think im gonna start grindin some 3/6 to try and get some confidence back. the sick part of this downswing is that its not even bad in terms of buyins. im down almost 15k at 25/50 this month (v stupid of me to play but was 2 big fish sitting and couldn't help myself). then a few buyins at 10/20 and a few at 5/10, adds up to 30 pretty quick.

here was a fun hand at 25/50:


i was gonna post some interesting hands ive had but dont really feel like looking through them at the moment. on the plus side im only down 10-11k on the month so if i can grind out 15-20k the rest of the month ill still have a decent month and feel much better about this downswing. thats the crazy part about poker.

headin to atlantic city this weekend, rented out a house w a bunch of my friends from college so that should be a good time. ill probably play some live poker, realize how much i hate it and how lucky i am to play online rather than live. i dont think there is anything less fun than live poker, unless youre just gettin drunk at the table and berating everyone. thats always fun.

Monday, April 7, 2008

10/20 is fcking rigged

***Skip down to next stars if you dont wanna hear any bitching








So frustrating, all these have taken place in the 2400 hands ive played at 10/20 since april 1st. There was plenty more like these in the hands i played at 10/20 last month. i hate complaining about running bad but im finding it almost humorous so thought id share. Yesterday i was up 13k at one pt but ended up dumping a few buyins back to a fish w combination of bad play and running bad and ended up 5k for the day. Today i started off down 2k early and grinded back to +2k then back down to -2k when the 888 hand happened costing me 4500 so i quit -6500 on the day. Couldve been a lot worse i guess all things considered. and i know the rivers probably a fold in that 888 hand but by that pt theres 8k in the pot i only have to call 1k more and i needed to see his KKK so i could sleep better just knowing 10/20 is rigged.

**** /end whining

Im up around 5k on the month now but was up around 19k at one pt yesterday. On a positive note im actually enjoying playing again and plan on logging a bunch of hands this month. 5/10 continues to go very well also, and ive found a decent amount of regs at 5/10 have some pretty exploitable leaks.

i wanna post my luck anaylsis graph here since the beginning of april bc im not quite sure how to interpret it. this is from the 9k hands ive played on my desktop, ive also played a bunch of hands on my laptop this month which i dont have. if anyone could tell me what this means thatd be great. and i dont think im running bad in terms of allin luck more just getting coolered or getting money in bad on river after i was ahead on flop and turn.

Big ncaa championship game tonight. Ive already won one $100 pool for 1k no matter what happens and if kansas wins tonight mac and i chop with gary stevenson for first in 2p2 $500 pool which is 4k for first (meaning ill get 1k). if memphis wins i win a $25 pool for like $325 and get $250 for 2nd in the 2p2 pool so kinda a win-win. im very happy with this obviously since i always do a pool and never win usually. im feeling great about that and also feeling great about my poker game, think im playing the best i ever have and takin a break for pretty much the past couple weeks has gotten me mentally fresh again. actually gotta run now but gonna post some interesting hands ive played against some good players as well as a trip report from pittsburgh/tartan town last weekend.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Best month yet :(

I had my best month right after my worst month in February. After rakeback, I ended up about $40k after 28k hands. I was generally very happy with my play, improved a ton through lessons and sweats, and also ran fairly well. I just wish I logged more hands but knew it would be a low output month hand-wise due to a lot of friends/my gf/brother coming home for SB. But I am excited for April and hope I can put in more hands than March and bang out another successful month.

I also had a 2 hour lesson with Greg tonight which I was very happy with. I didn't get into any groundbreaking spots but got in a few standardish spots where I learned some different lines. I am also noticing that I am making the optimal play (or at least the most optimal that Greg and I agree on) or at least thinking of making it during the lesson a lot more than I used to. In many non-standardish spots, many of the better lines to take come to me almost instantly. I still realize I have a ways to go but it is nice to look back to a month ago where I was pretty far off from what I am now.

I had a pretty funny chat with a huge fish at the table during the lesson. His name was rod9 and I was joking to Greg about how rod1-rod8 must have been taken...

Me: rod, I guess rod1-8 were already taken?
rod9: Yea, I'm getting great cards.
Me: It rained yesterday.

Here are a few hands from my lesson that were the most interesting:

In this hand, villain was pretty nitty, had a small PF 3betting range, and also had a small WTSD%. My c/r on the river is actually a bluff since I am never getting looked up by worse but villain is capable of folding AQ, which was her most likely holdings. Either that or possibly A5. My plan was to c/f the river but the Kd that peeled turned out to be a pretty great card to bluff, especially after she makes such a small river bet. This is a spot I would normally just dump but really like the play.

Villain here is a regular and we had a bit of history at the table. He is very aggro in LP and I have been attacking his LP raises a bit when in position. He also makes his raises so small where I know he will be calling my 3bets lighter since they will, in turn, be smaller. So I think the entire hand is just about standard with the river being the only close street but I believe a player of his intelligence is going to continue bluffing that river card most of the time since my hand looks so much like AK/AQ.

Good luck to everyone in April.